How to Make GaNS: Step-by-Step Guide

Creating GaNS (Gaseous Nano State) at home or in a laboratory setting is a straightforward process that requires a few basic materials and careful adherence to specific steps. This guide will walk you through the process of making GaNS, ensuring safe handling and optimal results.

1. Gather Necessary Materials

To produce GaNS, you will need the following materials:

Metal Plates: Select metal plates based on the type of GaNS you want to make (e.g., nano-coated copper and zinc for CO2 GaNS, nano-coated copper and iron for CH3 GaNS, or two copper plates for CuO GaNS).

Saline Solution: Prepare a saline solution by mixing distilled water with unrefined sea salt (approximately 10g of salt per 100 ml of water).

Power Source: A low-voltage power source, like a small battery, is needed to initiate the electrochemical reaction.

Container: Use a plastic or glass container to hold the solution and metal plates.

Safety Equipment: Gloves and goggles are recommended for safe handling.

2. Set Up the Metal Plates

Position the Plates: Place the metal plates in the container, positioning them parallel to each other but without allowing them to touch.

Connect to Power Source: Attach the plates to the power source with wires, ensuring the correct polarity. For example, connect the negative (black) wire to the nano-coated plate and the positive (red) wire to the uncoated plate.

3. Begin the GaNS Production Process

Start the Reaction: Once connected to the power source, the reaction will begin, producing GaNS particles in the solution. You’ll start to see particles settling at the bottom of the container within a few hours.

Monitor the Process: Leave the setup undisturbed for several days. As the reaction continues, a layer of GaNS will accumulate at the bottom of the container.

4. Collect and Rinse the GaNS

Harvest the GaNS: Carefully pour off the excess water from the top, leaving the GaNS sediment at the bottom of the container.

Rinse the GaNS: Fill the container with fresh distilled water and gently stir. Pour off the rinse water to remove any remaining salts. Repeat this process several times until the GaNS is free of salt residues.

5. Store the GaNS

Transfer to Storage: Once rinsed, transfer the GaNS to a separate container for storage. Cover the GaNS with distilled water to keep it moist, as drying can reduce its effectiveness.

Label the Container: Be sure to label the container with the type of GaNS (CO2, CH3, or CuO) and the production date.

Tips for Making Different Types of GaNS

CO2 GaNS: Use nano-coated copper and zinc plates. This GaNS is ideal for water purification and environmental applications.

CH3 GaNS: Use nano-coated copper and iron plates. CH3 GaNS is commonly used in energy applications.

CuO GaNS: Use two copper plates, one nano-coated. CuO GaNS is valued for its antimicrobial properties.


Making GaNS is a simple process that, with care and proper materials, can be done successfully at home or in a laboratory. By following these steps, you can produce GaNS tailored to your needs, whether for energy, purification, or agricultural applications. GaNS technology offers versatile solutions, and mastering its production opens the door to a wide range of sustainable practices.

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